TIP: Rail or Car in Europe?

Even though the dollar is weak against the Euro, people are still asking about trips to Europe and the British Isles. There are many ways to travel through Europe--you can join a tour, take the train or even rent a car and drive. There’s no one way or better way, only the way you feel most comfortable. When clients ask me to help plan their trip, we talk about all the options.

I recently read an article that compared road travel with rail travel in Europe. The article was interesting and brought up the pros and cons of both modes of transportation. Train travel has a long history in Europe--trains go everywhere, or almost everywhere. It was once the cheapest way to travel, short of hoofing your way across the continent or sticking out your thumb. Today, rail passes are no longer the bargain they once were. In the latest study by Travel Age West, they found the cost of rail and auto travel very comparable when two or more people are traveling together cost of gasoline has always been more expensive in Europe, so that was not a significant factor in the study.)

However, there are still plenty of reasons to take the train, according to the article:

---Traveling alone: Rail is almost always the better deal for the solo traveler. In most cases, the cost of a rental car, tolls and gasoline will be about twice as much as the cost of the train.

---Visiting only a few major cities: Train travel between the major cities of Europe is gen
erally fast and easy and public transportation within the cities is good. You definitely don’t want to drive in the big cities, as the traffic is terrible, plus parking is a nightmare. However, before rushing out to buy a rail pass, compare the price of a point-to-point rail ticket; the passes are not always the best deal if you are visiting only a handful of cities.

---Check out the road conditions: The deciding factor here is the difficulty of driving mountain roads in many European countries. A lot depends on the time of year you are traveling. The mountain roads in Switzerland in the middle of winter would be treacherous. During the summer the roads are very crowded with tourists. Trains allow passengers to enjoy the beautiful scenery and leave the driving to them.

---Traveling on day of arrival: After a grueling, 10 hour, overnight flight, I would hate to pick up a rental car and drive for any length of time. Sometimes it’s better to take the train to your first location and rest a day before picking up a car.

---Save on hotel rooms: During my youth, when I was working and living in Europe, I found taking a night train and reserving a “couchette” saved me the cost of a hotel. You also meet lots of interesting people. On one trip between Nuremburg (Germany) and London, I shared my compartment with five members of the German Soccer team. Unfortunately they spoke very little English and my German was very rusty, but we managed to communicate and had a fun trip.

The reasons for renting a car are just as compelling:

---Exploring small towns and the countryside: a car is the only way to reach many small towns, inns and castles, historical sites, natural attractions, roadside shrines and other interesting places not served by the train. If time is a major factor you can also take the train to the larger cities and either rent a car from there or take a tour to visit the nearby attractions.

---Traveling with the family: Whenever three or more people are traveling together, a car becomes the most economical way to get around Europe. However, after arriving in a city, park the car and take public transportation.

---Rambling: My favorite. No timetables, no running to catch a train or plane. You can leave when you want to leave, stop when you want to stop. If you are a wanderer by nature and like to do things on a whim, you really need to have a car in Europe.

---Eating and drinking off the beaten path. Many interesting restaurants and vineyards of Europe are well off the rail lines; in fact, the Michelin Red Guides list hundreds of eateries and lodges that are not reachable by train. Plus, there is nothing better than stopping in a small town to pick up some freshly baked bread, cheese from the neighborhood dairy and wine from the local vineyard, and have yourselves a picnic.

---Escaping other tourists. Travelers with cars can escape major tourist centers and have the opportunity to discover parts of Europe that are not overrun with tourists.

As I said at the beginning of the article, there is no one-way, or right way, to see Europe. For the most part, the roads in Europe are fantastic. You drive on the same side of the street as you do in the US. But if driving is not your thing, you hate to read a map and won’t ask for directions (for a bit extra you can now request a GPS unit in your rental car which is really nice if you’re not one to ask for directions), than you should consider the merits of a planned tour. Or if you’re just traveling between large cities, absolutely consider the train.

Rail Europe has published a wonderful brochure, Europe on Track, which talks about the different rail packages offered. There are packages that combine three days of train travel with three days of a car rental. The train also offers discounts for students and for two or more people traveling together. There are flex passes that allows travel for four, five or seven days within a two-month period. Remember, all Eurail passes have to be purchased in the United States.

My last word of advice when planning your trip to Europe, don’t try to see everything. Pick a country or a region, and explore. Have a great trip.

Have you experienced Europe by rail or car? Click on "Comments" and tell me which you preferred.

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